Causes of success and failure of Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur may sometime become successful and sometime becomes failure. There are some causes of such success and failure. They are noted below:

1) Selection of business: It is an important aspect. That means an entrepreneur has to determine what type business he is going to start. Form various points of view the feasibility of the business should be tested. 

2) Proper planning: Proper planning me s also important. For planning, planning premises like political, economic, social premised should be considered first. The steps of planning should be followed properly. 

3) Initial capital: if the initial capitals are not an optimal level the organization would fall. So whether the enterprise is big or small the initial capital should be sufficient enough. 

4) Determination o0f market demand: Through research the demand in the market should be identified. Both for long term and short term it should be considered. 

5) Marketing of product: If the promotion policy, channel of destitution, transportation is not good the enterprise would fall.

6) Education and experience: One of the important tasks of the entrepreneurs is to select right person for the right post because the success of an enterprise depends on the right selection of employees.

7) Joint initiative: One may have much money and another may have more merit. Through joint initiative it can be balanced. But sometime for joint initiative misunderstanding arise, or sometimes corruption occur which may result in fall of enterprise. 

8) Employment: Recruitment and appointment should be properly done. Those who have specialized skill should be appointed to that specialized job. Inefficient, corrupted employees may be responsible for fall of business. 

9) Location of business: Site selection is an important factor. While starting a new business, an entrepreneur should think about the location of the business. In this case, many factors should be considered such as availability of raw materials, proper communication system, availability of labor, marketing facilities and so on. 

10) Qualities of management: The management must have a minimum quality to success otherwise it would fall.

These are the common causes for which one enterprise may become successful and another may fall.
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