Scientific management has wider economic and social significance. It has succeeded in revolutionalising the very concept of management by offering a novel approach to the managers in managing men, materials and methods. In spite of several benefits, Taylor's scientific management concept has widely been criticized by employers, workers, trade unions and also by theorists. They oppose Taylor's scientific management on different grounds. The points of criticism we as explained below:
Criticism from Employers
1. Huge investment required:
Heavy investment is necessary for reorganization of preliminary standardization of tools, machines and equipment and conduct of time and motion studies and other research activities for the introduction of scientific management. Such investment may not be possible in small and medium size enterprises.
2. Sudden change may disturb existing working arrangements:
Sudden change due to the introduction of scientific management may paralyze the existing arrangement of work and will bring the entire Organisation in difficulties. There will be loss due to reorganization, if scientific management is to be introduced.
3. Unsuitable to Small Units:
Small manufacturers argue that the concept of scientific management is not suitable to their units due to financial and other difficulties.
4. Benefits after a Long Period:
The benefit of scientific management will be available only after a long period and the business unit may come in financial and other difficulties during the process of introduction of new changes as suggested in the scientific management.
5. Huge Overhead Expenses Required: Introduction of scientific management involves huge overhead expenses which may erode profitability.
Criticism from Workers and Trade Unions. Why did Trade Unions Oppose Scientific Management?
1. Heavy burden on workers:
Workers feel that they will have to share more burden of work as a result of introduction of scientific management. They also fear that the benefits will he shared by the employer alone and that they will be at a loss from all sides. Workers and their unions feel that it will lead to their exploitation and they oppose scientific management on this ground.
2. Reduces initiative among workers:
Workers and trade unions argue that scientific management will destroy their initiative and they will be converted into machines in the production process with no freedom, initiative and choice. Similarity, over-specialization (excessive specialization) will lead to monotony and mental fatigue. Hence, they oppose Taylor's scientific management.
3. Possibility of unemployment: Workers and their unions also feel that scientific management will lead to unemployment and that workers will be removed due to the use of labour-saving devices. This will lead to loss of employment and income to workers. This is likely to make trade unions weak and hence they oppose scientific management.
4. Exploitation of workers:
Workers argue that they will be exploited under scientific management as they will have to share more burden of work without corresponding increase in the wage rate. Trade unions also oppose to scientific management as it is likely to put more burden of work on the workers without corresponding monetary benefit.
5. Possible adverse effects on workers unity:
Trade unions also oppose scientific management as they fear that the unity among workers will be adversely affected. Workers will be divided into efficient and inefficient categories. In addition, different piece rate plans will be introduced in place of uniform wage rate. As a result, workers will be divided. Workers getting high salary will not be interested in the union activities and this will make their union week and ineffective. Even more unions and rival unions will be formed. In brief, trade unions strongly criticize scientific management as it breaks solidarity of workers
The criticism of scientific management by employers and workers/trade unions is not based on sound reasoning. Their arguments are not based on realities. It is possible to give counter-arguments to every point of criticism noted by them. For example, employers object scientific management on the ground of huge investment for its introduction. It is true that huge investment will be necessary but it is likely to give greater return in due course. In addition, scientific management will bring down the cost and thereby enhance the profits.