This evolution of management thought can be studied in the following flum broad stages:
1. The Classical Theory of Management (Classical Approach): It includes the following three streams of thought:
i) Bureaucracy
ii) Scientific Management
iii) Administrative Management
2. The Neo-classical theory of Management: It includes the following two streams:
i) Human Relations Approach
ii) Behavioral Sciences Approach
3. The Modern Theory of Management: It includes the following three streams of thought:
i) Quantitative Approach to Management (Operations Research)
ii) Systems Approach to Management
iii) Contingency Approach to Management.
It is rather difficult to state the exact period of each stage in the evolution of management thought. Experts, in general, agree with the following period for each thought/school.
1. Classical School/thought: 1900 to 1930.
2. Neo-classical School/thought: 1930 to 1960.
3. Modern School/thought: 1960 onwards.