Display of Day book:
1. Select display of reports menu Press enter.
2. Select day book.
3. Press ALT + F1 for details.
Display of total number of vouchers:
1. Select display Press enter.
2. Select statement of account.
3. Select statistics.
Display of Ledger reports.
1. selet display Press enter.
2. select account book.
3. select ledger.
4. select required ledger.
Display of cash book and bank book:
1. Select display Press enter.
2. Select account book.
3. Select cash / Bank book.
select bank account for bank book.
Display of Trail balance:
1. Select Display . Press Enter.
2. Select Trail Balance.
3. Press ALT + F1 for details.
Display of Profit and Loss Accounts:
1. Select profit and loss a/c of report menu Press Enter.
2. Press ALT + F1 for Details.
Display of Balance sheet:
1. Select balance sheet of reports menu. Press Enter.
2. Press ALT + F1 for details.