Formal Reports are usually presented under the following series of headings as stated in Business Communication by Shirley Taylor.
1. Headings: There should be two headings to a report: the name of the company; the report heading.
2. Terms of Reference: This section should state exactly why the report is being written .Why is we writing the report? What was requested? Who requested it? When were we asked to do it? To report on... (Subject) requested by... (Name and title) on... (Date)…
3. Procedure: Give a brief description of the methods used to collect the information. Perhaps interviews were held, visits made, questionnaires issued etc. We can use bullet points.
4. Findings: This will be the longest section of the report. We should go through the procedure point by point and use numbers and subheadings for this section. Under each heading state what information was gathered at each stage?
5. Conclusions: In this section no new facts must be introduced. We must look at the findings and state the logical implications of them. What can we infer or conclude from the findings?
6. Recommendations (if requested): Again no new facts must be introduced in this section. On the basis of information presented in findings and conclusions, we can make some suggestions for action .We should remember that the writer who writes the report cannot make decisions, he or she can only suggest what action should be taken.
7. Closing section: A report should be signed and there should be a name and title shown at the foot, plus the date when the report was written.