A seminar may be defined as “a discussion in a small group in which the result of research or advance study is presented through oral or written reports.” Seminar is simply group communication in which open person makes a presentation or speech on a topic by highlighting it contents in the light of present and pressing problems. This presentation or speech is followed by questions and expect comments from the audience. Thus seminar is mixture of speech and group discussion. During seminar one person acts as chairman of the session and conducts the seminar by introducing the topic and the speaker. At the end of the session, he asks the audience to raise questions and ensures that the discussion follows in the light of the theme.
Significance of Seminar
Seminar helps bring expert in a particular subject together to present their experiences and vies. There is a meaningful discussion on the papers, presented, their summaries and recommendations, if any, of these papers are published in the form of a report for wider circulation.
A seminar is an effective method of oral communication. Thus, one important aspect of a seminar is thorough and indepth knowledge of the subject and proper delivery. This involves careful articulation, stress on important words and effective modulation of the voice.
How to Make Seminar Effective
The effectiveness of seminar depends upon how different parties and persons play their role in effective way. These parties and persons include organizations, speakers, chairperson and audience.
Organizer’s Role: To make seminar effective, organizers should
1. Plan the seminar in advance by deciding the date, venue and theme of the seminar.
2. Publish the relevant material in advance.
3. Advertise it is newspapers and invite various participants within time.
4. Ensure the proper arrangement of OHP, slides, lighting, and other audio visual aids.
5. Facilitate arrangement of sitting, tea or lunch, etc.
Speaker’s Role: The speaker of seminar should
1. Prepare the topic before hand by searching the material from library and websites, organizing the in the topic in logical order and pondering over the various relevant issues.
2. Ensure that his speech is informative, illuminating and interesting.
3. Use the appropriate visual aids like OHP, transparencies, slides, etc.
4. Take the time limits into consideration.
5. Try to answer maximum questions of the audience of the end.
6. Convey thanks to the audience for their patient listening.
7. How speech or presentation can be made effective, have been discussed in the chapter on speech and presentation.
Chair Person’s Role: The chairperson of the session should
1. Introducer the topic briefly. This should be followed by the speaker’s introduction in brief by highlighting ht area of his specialization and his achievements.
2. Ensure that the speaker finishes his speech within the time limit.
3. Invite questions from audience at the end of the speech.
4. Ensure that the discussion follows in the light of the theme and no one hurts the feelings of another during question/answer session.
5. Sum up findings of the speech after question answer session.
6. Thanks the speaker and the audience at the end.
Audience’s Role: The audience should
1. Occupy seats before the start of the seminar.
2. Listen patiently to the speeches of various speakers.
3. Note down important points and citations.
4. Avoid distributing the speaker during the speech.
5. Ask relevant question
6. Stay till the conclusion of the seminar.