A short report is usually written to inform the authority concerned or specific readers about a specific matter so that they can make appropriate decision about the matter. It consists of facts and sometimes analysis of facts. The information provided in a short report is arranged somewhat in a memo format. While writing a short report, one must start it with an introduction heading. Also the purpose of writing the report including explanation should be mentioned in it. The length of a short report is usually from half page to two pages.
However, the followings are the parts of a short report.
1. Introduction
2. Discussion
3. Summary
4. Conclusions
5. Recommendations
6. Appendix
An example of a short report is given below.
Dibrugarh University
English Department
Dibrugarh, Assam
Report On The Possibility Of Opening A Short Course In English
In a meeting of the department of English held on 20 May 2016, the view was expressed that our students have a very poor command in English, both spoken and written. So it was proposed that a short course in English should be opened under the management of the English teachers.
We realized the need for such a course for good reasons. From the answer scripts of the students of different departments, we found that the standard of English of about 80% of them is far below the average. We interviewed many students of our university, of some other universities, and even some outsiders, and found that they deplorably lacked correctness in writing and fluency in speaking English. We also talked with them about opening a short course in English in order to help them with the basics of written and spoken English. They all highly appreciated the idea and opined that such a course would be of much help for them.
The students need to use correct English in their answers of the exam questions in different courses and subjects. If they are given some knowledge about the basics of spoken and written English, they can go a long way towards their improvement.
So we think that Short Courses in English will be a quite popular programme. It will help students, non-students, and professionals.
We would recommend that such a course should be opened in the Department of English, and the university should look into the financial aspects of the programme as early as possible.
Head of the Department of English
15 June, 2016