Techniques or Methods of Visual Merchandising

1. Exterior Signs: 
A sign is a silent salesperson, and part of a shopper first impression of a store. In less than 10sec the sign must attract attention, tell what the business is and what it intends to sell. Simple, brief, well designed, well lettered and easy to read signs will convey a feeling of welcome. Design graphics appropriate for the nature of the business, and create a message that is clear and simple. Focus on one or two key words to describe the business. A clean, clear message will have more impact. A store sign is its “signature”. It is personal, original and continuously recognizable to the public. It should create an image that is consistently carried throughout the existence of store. 

2. Banners: 
A new and interesting appearance can be offered by changing the banners frequently. Consumers will think exciting changes are taking place in store an will be drawn in the stores. Banners are used increasingly as an inexpensive but colorful, eye catching means of promotion. Banners can be hung up from flagpoles, projected from the building or flat against the exterior. To provide continuity the same banner design, reduced in size and scale, can be hung from the marquee and displayed inside the store. However do not over use banners. Then they might be overlooked by the consumers. 

3. Window Display: 
Special emphasis should be placed on a stores window displays because they are the information link to the potential customer. Window displays can be as important, if not more important than advertising. As many as four sales could be the result of a good window display.Window display should attract attention, create interest and invite people into the store to purchase goods. There is less than 11 seconds to accomplish this, as that is an average amount of the time an individual will spend looking at a window display. Be careful not to crowd too much merchandise into a window, as customers will find it difficult to understand the message and what items are being promoted .It is important to change the displays frequently in small towns where customers pass by several times a week. New displays indicate new up-to-date merchandise is available. 

4. Landscaping: 
Landscaping should lead the customer’s eye to the focal point using color and texture to provide contrast and harmony. The focal point is the business sign and/or the building itself. Landscaping can also screen undesirable sights such as garbage receptacles, power transformers and refrigeration equipment.The essence of good landscaping is simplicity, simple landscape designs that are easy to maintain. For e.g. Uninterrupted expanses of grass are easier to maintain than areas cut up by several small beds of flowers or shrubs. Plants especially flowering bedding plants enhances the overall look of the store. 

5. Color and Lighting: 
Color contributes significantly to people’s impression of a display as well as stores overall appearance. Color in a display can catch eye and make people pause and look. The color combination of ceiling, walls, floor covering and the overall décor can affect the atmosphere of a store. Changing the color scheme can change people’s attitudes and perceptions of a store and can increase or decrease the business.Color can change the shape and interest to dull room, and can direct attention toward a specific object or away from problem areas. Warm colors (red, yellow, orange etc.) are stimulating and cheery. They make room feel warm and intimate. They make room look smaller and object inside larger. 

6. Lighting: 
Lighting is essential in calling attention to merchandise in a display. A shopper’s eye is drawn automatically to the brightest item or area. Lighting treatment may be used to draw attention to the part of display area or to coordinate the parts of total display area. Lighting can also be used to direct the path of the customers and to make them see various displays along the way.

7. Props and Fixtures: 
A prop is something used with a product in a display that clarifies the function of the merchandise being sold or the story being told. Props are integral part of a display. They are used in virtual merchandising to tell a story about the product A display prop may be something that is not for sale, such as floor coverings, wall treatments, backgrounds, mannequins, shelves and steps. When using saleable merchandise as prop, be sure it is appropriate for the theme of the display and is sufficient quantity to meet an increase in demand arising from the display. 
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