Major Advertising Decisions

Marketing management must make four important decisions when developing an advertising program these four important are as follows: 
1. Setting advertising objectives 
2. Setting advertising budget 
3. Developing advertising strategy 
4. Evaluating advertising campaign 

1. Setting Advertising Objectives: The first step is to set advertising objectives. These objectives should be based on past decisions about target market, positioning and marketing mix, which define the job that advertising must do in the total marketing program advertising is a specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target during a specific period of time. Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose-where the aim is to inform persuade or remind. 

2. Setting Advertising Budget: After determining its advertising objectives the company next sets its advertising budget for each product. A brand's advertising budget depends on its stages of product life cycle. Market share also impacts the amount advertising needed. Because building the market or taking share from competitors requires larger advertising spending than does simply maintaining current share, high share brands usually needs more advertising spending as a percentage of sales. 

3. Developing Advertising Strategy: Advertising strategy consists of two major elements: 
A) Creating advertising message 
B) Selecting advertising media 

In the past companies often themed media planning as secondary to the message, creation process. These creative departments first created good advertisement then the media department selected first created good advertisement then the media department selected the best media for carrying these advertisements to desired target audience. 

4. Evaluating Advertising Campaign: It is the last step in major decision of advertising. In this stage evaluate the message of advertising. How much people get attention on the message of advertising. Its market covering capacity, style, tone, words and format etc are evaluated in this stage.
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