Showing posts from March, 2018

Environment Influence on Human Resources Management

Human resource managers cannot do their jobs in a vacuum, since a variety of external variables have an impact on HRM. The macro context is provided by the environment, whereas the small unit is the business. External factors suc…

Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning in an Organization

Internal and external environmental changes have an impact on human resource plans. So, the plans should be adaptable so that they can simply adapt to changing situations. Depending on the various external variables in which t…

Limitations of Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning is the process of determining the number of people an organisation requires in terms of both quantity and quality. Human resource planning is the starting point for all human resource management tasks. As …

Meaning of Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning is the process of predicting the organization's demand for and supply of human resources in the near future in order to locate the appropriate amount of people for the right sort of job, at the right t…

Basic Strategic Trends

1. Globalization: It refers to the tendency of firm to extend their sales , ownership , and /or manufacturing to new markets abroad. Firms are globalizing their production , too , by putting facilities where they’ll be most adva…

Strategic Planning Process

The basic steps involved in the strategic planning process include 1. Vision,   Mission and Objectives of the Company Identifying and defining the company’s vision , mission and objectives is the starting point of strategic plann…

Strategic Planning

Managers participate in three stages of strategic planning for their organisations. They use a variety of strategies to attain their goals: 1. Corporate-level Strategy A firm's corporate-level strategy defines the portfolio o…

Strategic Human Resources Management

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is described as the connection of an organization's strategic business goals with human resources in order to stimulate innovation and increase motivation, contentment, productivity…

Training and Development - Introduction

Training can be introduced simply as a process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness to a particular work area by getting more knowledge and practices. Also training is important to establish specif…

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