Identify Training and Development Needs

The first step of the process of training and development is identification of the organizational needs for trained manpower, both present and future. Basically some questions can be used in this step.

A) What specifically must an employee learn in order to be more productive?
B) Where is training needed?
C) Who needs to be trained?

The productiveness of an employee is the important factor for the employer, because the income or profit of the organization and employer is depends on the employees’ productiveness.

Begin by assessing the current status of the company; how it does, what it does best and the abilities of your employees to do these tasks. This analysis will provide some benchmarks against which the effectiveness of a training program can be evaluated. The organization or an employer should know where it wants to be in its long-range strategic plan and organizational need is a training program to take the organization from current situation to developed upped step.

Secondly, consider whether the organization is financially committed to support the training efforts. If not, any attempt to develop a solid training program will fail.

Next, determine exactly where training is needed. It is foolish to implement a companywide training effort without concentrating resources where they are needed most. An internal audit will help point out areas that may benefit from training. Also, a skills inventory can help determine the skills possessed by the employees in general. This inventory will help the organization determine what skills are available now and what skills are needed for future development.

In summary, the analysis should focus on the total organization and should identify where training is needed and where it will work within the organization.

When the organization has a clear idea to where training is needed, concentrate on the content of the program. Analyze the characteristics of the job based on its description, the written description of what the employee actually does. Training based on job descriptions should go into detail about how the job is performed base on a task-by-task. Actually doing the job will enable you to get a better feel for what is done.

Individual employees can be evaluated by comparing their current skill levels or performance to the organization's performance standards or anticipated needs. Any discrepancy between actual and anticipated skill levels identifies a training need.

All above details and descriptions will helps to find the gap between standard or expected performances and the actual performances. In simply,

Training and development need= standard (expected) performance - actual performance 

Training and development programmes needs in the industry are due to the following reasons:
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