Under induction preparation this stage specific and clear answers need to be obtained for several questions.
1. About What Information a Basic Understanding Should be Given?
This first question is a must thing for planning induction program. Preparation to induction program is same as planning the induction program. While organization has decided to give induction program, they are starting the planning program. This analysis is the key area to give general knowledge about the organization to the new employee. There may have several answers for the above question, but all the answers of yours may not useful at the beginning, and for the induction program. Don’t forget, the induction program is crating the image of the organization in the new employees mind. That clear image will be effective one till employee leaves the organization. Answer for this question should be short and sweet. Otherwise the new employee who is facing to this will be boring and wasting time and money. So the best answer should be given for this question is “General information”.
2. Which Extend You Should Give?
Under this question the planner or presenter of induction program should have an idea about boundaries of information to be given for new employee. Over information and less information is make confusion in the new employee and it may become a reason for early leaving the company just after joining. If the induction program is conducting to a group of freshers and the group of new employees are appointing to different departments it is good to let them have on the job induction training in separately, after the main induction sessions.
3. Who Should be The Resource Persons?
Selecting resource persons are very critical to the induction program. Because presentation of the resource person is making first impression of working conditions in the company to new employee. Maintaining gaps between resource person and new employees and getting more close to the new employees also not so professional and it would make difficulties. New employee may expect a friendly approach, and resource person should be able to give it but getting too much close may embarrassing them. Understanding these boundaries and frames are more important. If top management could spend some time to introduce them self to new employees at induction program may open new gateway and it could make a very good impression to the new employee about the company.
4.What Should be The Time Frame and Program Agenda?
Program agenda is also an important parameter should pay more attention. Importance of punctuality and commitment should be delivered to the new employee and, person who run the program should understand the situations of new employees. They may not so much familiar with the company framework and may much more familiar about it as past experiences in previous work place. Program conductor should go through the experiences of participants before starting the program, by their applications and develop the agenda. Also conductor should aware about the aim of the program too. It will minimize many of problems and difficulties at the induction.