Meaning of Recruitment

Recruitment is the term used to describe this procedure. Some people use the phrase "recruitment" to refer to the process of finding a job. The recruitment process is just one part of the overall employment process. Others use the phrase "selection" instead of "recruitment." These two terms are not interchangeable. Technically, the recruitment function comes before the selection function, and it entails only finding, developing, and attracting potential employees to apply for jobs in an organisation, whereas selection is the process of selecting the best candidate for the job from among the candidates attracted.


Recruitment is a good process of locating potential employees and encouraging them to apply for positions inside the company. When more people apply for employment, there will be more opportunities to hire better people.

In other words, recruitment is the process of locating and collecting applications in order to create a pool of candidates from whom the best candidates for the best jobs can be chosen.

On the other hand, job seekers are looking for organisations that will hire them.

Recruitment is a connection activity that connects individuals who have jobs and those who are looking for jobs. In simple terms, recruiting is the process of identifying a source from which potential employees might be chosen. Higher productivity, better salaries, greater morale, lower labour turnover, and a better reputation are all benefits of a scientific recruitment process. It encourages people to apply for jobs, which is a good thing.

Recruitment is focused with reaching out to, attracting, and ensuring a supply of qualified employees, as well as making quantitative and qualitative workforce selections. It is the creation and maintenance of sufficient human resources. This is the initial stage of the selection process, which is followed by placement.

Things Involved in Recruitment

While each organization's recruitment procedure is different, there are the steps to the hiring process that must be followed:

1. Determine the hiring requirement.

2. Making a recruitment strategy.

3. Creating a job descriptions.

4. Advertisement of job.

5. Recruit for the job.

6. Examine applications.

7. Examine the phone applications or Initial Screening

8. Interviews

9. Background Check of Applicant

10. Decision

11. Reference Check

12. Job offer

13. Hiring

14. Onboarding

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