Human minds are naturally curious, and always searching for an answers for unusual things. There are so many amazing things that exist in this planet. Some of them are cool, some of them are awesome, some of them are wired and some will make you speechless. In this list we going to write down awesome facts which will cover every subject on this universe. So here are some more amazing facts for your knowledge:
When squirrels know that they are being watched by potential thieves, they will pretend to bury an acorn while actually concealing it in their mouth.
The tallest waterfall on earth is not Angel Falls, but a 2.2 miles high underwater waterfall called Denmark Strait Cataract located in the Atlantic ocean between Greenland and Iceland.
When we go to sleep and enter REM (Rapid Eye Movement),our bodies become completely paralyzed as areas of the brain that control movement are de-activated. It is this that stops us falling out of bed.