When creating an Human Resiurce Planning, Human Resource Planners confront several challenges. The following are the key roadblocks:
1. HR professionals are thought to be specialists in dealing with personnel issues, however they are not. Managing a company When HR practitioners design and formulate a personnel plan, if the organisational plan is intertwined with the strategic plan, the entire strategic plan of the company may be affected ineffectual.
2. HR data is frequently incompatible with other data used in strategy development. Financial forecasting has long been the focus of strategic planning efforts, often to the exclusion of other forms of data. HRP takes a back seat to financial forecasting.
3. There may be a conflict between short-term and long-term HR requirements. For example, there may be a tension between the requirement to complete tasks on time and longer-term goals, such as training employees to take on more responsibility. Many executives believe that their HR requirements can be satisfied promptly since talents are readily accessible on the market, as long as rates and compensation are competitive. As a result, long-term plans are not necessary; just short-term planning is required.
4. The quantitative and qualitative methods to HRP are at odds. HRP is viewed by some as a numerical game used to track the flow of individuals within the department. Others adopt a more qualitative approach, focusing on specific employee issues like promotion and advancement. The best results are obtained when quantitative and qualitative methods are balanced.
5. HRP is rendered ineffective due to the lack of engagement of operating managers. HRP is not just a function of the human resources department. A coordinated effort by operations managers and HR employees is required for successful planning.