1. Employment-Unemployment Situation
While the number of educated people unemployed is on the rise in general, there is a severe lack of a wide range of capabilities. This stresses the need of better staff recruitment and retention.
2. Technological Change
Production technology, marketing strategies, and management approaches have all undergone significant and quick changes. Their impact on job content and context has been significant. These modifications have resulted in redundancy, retention, and redeployment issues. All of this suggests that rigorous and methodical planning of labour requirements is required.
3. Demographic Change
HRP is affected by the changing demographic profile of the workforce in terms of age, gender, literacy, technical contributions, and social background.
4. Shortage of Skills
Unemployment does not imply that there is a buyer's market in the labour market. Organizations are becoming increasingly complex, necessitating a wide range of specialised talents that are becoming increasingly scarce. When personnel with such specific talents depart a company, a problem develops.
5. Governmental Influence
Govt control and changes in laws regarding affirmative action for marginalised groups, employment conditions and hours of work, restrictions on women and child employment, causal and contract labour, and other issues have prompted organisations to engage in systematic HRP.
6. Controlled by law
The hire-and-fire policy is no longer in effect. The law makes it difficult to lower an organization's size swiftly and affordably. Because of recent changes in labour legislation pertaining to layoffs and closures, it is simple to grow but difficult to reduce the number of people working. Those in charge of personnel management must plan ahead and try to anticipate manpower issues.
7. Effect of the Pressure Group
Pressure groups like unions, politicians, and individuals displaced from land due to the location of giant enterprises have been exerting contradictory pressure on enterprise management on issues such as internal recruitment and promotion, preference for employees' children, displace people, and sons of soil, among others.
8. Systems Approach
The introduction of the macro computer and the development of system thinking as part of the ongoing revolution in information technology that emphasises planning and better ways of managing large personnel records.
9. Lead Time
To effectively manage new knowledge and abilities, the log lead time is required in the selection process, training, and deployment of the employee.