Staffing is one of the most essential functions for every organization. In fact, in the absence of a good staffing system no organization can exist for a long duration. Because in every organization all the resources like, money, material, machine etc are utilized properly through man power. Hence it is too important that all the personnel (employees) in organization should appoint at the job according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations which can only be possible through a good staffing system. Thus, it is clear that staffing is too important for every organization.
Some important points which shows how staffing is important:
1. Maximum and Efficient Utilization of Resources: Staffing plays an important role in maximum and efficient utilization of resources. Because in every organization all the resources like, money, material and machine etc are utilized efficiently through specialized man power and specialized man power can only appoint in an organization through a good staffing system. Thus, we can say that it helps in maximum and efficient utilization of resources.
2. Reduces Cost of Production: Staffing also plays an important role in reducing cost of production. Because it helps in appointing right person at the right job, at the right, time so that no wastage and mistakes can be made by efficient personnel during the production of products. Hence, it is clear that it assists in reducing cost of production.
3. For Job Satisfaction: Staffing is an important source for employee’s job satisfaction. Because by means of this system jobs are allocated among the personnel according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations which give employees more satisfaction regarding their jobs. As a result of that they give their hundred percent efforts behind their jobs.
4. For meeting Present and Future Needs of Employees: Staffing is very important for fulfilling present as well as future needs of employees. Because it gives a clear picture to organization that in coming year how much positions will be vacant and new positions will be established. So that organization can fulfill those vacant and new positions by appointing the deserved candidates. Thus, it is clear that staffing fulfills present and future needs of employees in organization.
5. For maintaining Co-ordination among the Employees: Staffing plays a prominent role in establishing unity and co-ordination among the employees. Because it assigns their jobs according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations which makes them involved in their tasks and ensure healthy and co-operative relationship among the employees.
6. Need: Staffing function takes care of the need for building a sound organisation. In a sense, organisation widely differs in their quality and competence due to large variations in their human resources.