An organization has no obligation to make integration of the individual into the organization as smooth and anxiety-free as possible. What ever that is achieved through a formal or informal placement orientation programme depends on the size of the organization and the complexity of the individual’s new environment. Many organizations develops formal induction programmes. These might include a tour of the offices or plant, a talk about the history of the organization, and short discussion with a representatives of the personnel department who will describe the organization’s benefit plans. Other organizations may utilize an informal induction programme which might include being assigned to another senior employee who will not only introduce the new worker to other workers but show him other things too.
There is no model induction procedure. Each industry develops its own procedures as per its needs.
The procedure should basically follow these steps:
1. The new person needs time and a place to report to work.
2. It is very important that the supervisor or the immediate boss meet and welcome the employee to the organization.
3. Administrative work should be completed. Such item as vacations, probationary period, medical absence, suggestion system should be covered.
4. The departmental induction can be conducted. This should include a get acquainted talk, , introduction to the department, explanation of the function of the department, and the job instruction and to whom he should look for help when has any problem.
5. Verbal explanations are supplemented by a wide variety of printed material, employee hand book, flyers, employee manuals, house-journals, picture stories, cartoons, pamphlets, etc. along with short guided tour around the plant.