Objectives of Induction

When  a  new  entrant  joins  an  organization,  he/she  is  an  utter  stranger  to  the  co-workers,  work  place  and  work  environment. As  such,  he/she  may  feel  insecure, shy  and  nervous.  The  first  few  days  may  be  all  anxious  and  disturbing  once  for the  new  entrant.  Comes  from  rural  area,  he/she  find  himself/herself  completely  at  sea  in  an  industrial  town  and  city.  Then,  induction  helps  reduce  such  anxities  and  dispels  doubts  and  nervousness  from  the  mind  of  the  new  entrant. He  may  have  anxiety  caused  by  not  following  the  usual  practices  prevalent  in  the  organisation,  or  the  haphazard  procedures,  and  lack  of  information.  
He  may  have  anxiety  caused  by  not  following  the  usual  practices  prevalent  in  the  organization,  or  the  haphazard  procedures,  and  lack  of  information.
These  may  develop  discouragement,  disillusionment  or  defensive  behavior.  Induction  leads  to  reduction  of  such  anxieties;  dispels  the  irrational  fears  of  present  employees  and  hold  colleagues  responsible  for  assisting  the  new-comer  so  that  he  way  feel  confident.
There  is  another  reason  for  effective  induction.  It  help  minimize  what  might  be  called  the  reality  shock  some  new  employees  undergo.  This  reality  shock  is  caused  by  the  incompatibility  between  what  the  employees  expect  in  their  new  jobs  and  the  realities  they  are  confronted  with.  The  comer  may  expect:

1. Opportunities  for  advancement.
2. Social  status  and  prestige – the  feeling  of  doing  something  important  and the recognition of this by others.
3. Responsibility
4. Opportunities to use special aptitude  and educational background.
5. Challenge and adventure
6. Opportunities to be  
creative  and  original, and
7. Lucrative salary.
But  when  these  expectation  are  often  fulfilled  and,  therefore,  result  in  frustrating  experiences  for  new  employees,  experiences  of  which  include  jobs  with  low  initial  challenge,  inadequate  feed  back  and  inadequate  performance  appraisals.
This  result  is  “reality  shock.”  orientation  can  help  overcome  this  problem  by  providing  for  more  realistic  expectations  on  the  part  of  new  employees  and  more  understanding  on  the  part  of  the  supervisors.
 Finally,  the  purpose  of  induction  is  to  introduce  the  new  employee  and  the  organization  to  each  other,  to  help  them  become  acquainted,  and  to  help  them  accommodate  each  other.
 The  new  comer  is  explained  what  is  expected  to  him  and  for  this,  he  is  explained  the  rules,  regulations,  policies  and  procedures  that  directly  affect  him.  He  is  made  aware  of  how  his  job  fits  into  the  overall  operation  of  the  organization,  his  own  duties  and  responsibilities,  and  to  whom  be  should  look  for  when  he  has  any  problem.

To make a new employee more rapidly productive When a new employee joins an organization, he/she is unfamiliar with the way in which the work must be done, how the organization functions and how to act to fit into the organization effectively.

Induction is designed to achieve following objectives:

To help the new comer to overcome his shyness and overcome his shyness nervousness in meeting new people in a new environment.
To give new comer necessary information such as location of a cafe, rest period etc.
To build new employee confidence in the organization.
It helps in reducing labor turnover and absenteeism.
It reduces confusion and develops healthy relations in the organization.
To ensure that the new comer do not form false impression and negative attitude towards the organization.
To develop among the new comer a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization.
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