Preparation of Appointment Letter

The organization should prepare a letter of appointment that contains terms and conditions of employment and give it to every job candidate who has been selected for a certain post. Job tasks and duties, special terms and conditions, pay and other allowances and benefits etc should be included in the letter of appointment.

The terms and conditions are basically depends on the organization and the constitution of particular country. That is because of the constitution of the country is the fundamental law of the country. Some times this preparation of appointment letter may be different form one country to another and one state to another. Following this step in both permanent and part time jobs is good for the organization and employee, because this is showing the legal relationship between employee and employer. But usually or unfortunately this is not practicing for many of part time jobs. Many organizations which are offering more part time job opportunities are not prepare appointment letter, but it may mentioned in the company policies. And preparation of common code of ethics and rules and regulation for the part time workers is could be practice, and also those organizations could practice a data base of their part time workers. MS Excel or Access could be use for that process, and it will not be difficult thing for organizations, especially for HRD of particular organization. It could refer for all other departments of the organizations.

It is important to have separate appointment letter formats for permanent, temporary and casual employees as terms and conditions differ from the status of the employment.

In preparing the letter appointment there are two approaches:
Detailed one
One paged letter

A separate document that contains terms and conditions of employment is attached along with the letter of appointment. Under the second approach the length of the letter of appointment contains the following information.

1. Wage/salary
2. Incentives
3. Duration of period of the above rewards and dates of payment
4. Hours of works
5. Holidays and leaves
6. Overtime work
7. Probationary period/ Retirement/ Termination
8. Transferability
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